Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sad Week...

This week has been a little emotional for me.  Lone Peak High School had another suicide this week and two attempted during the week.  For some reason this one really upset me.  They started out Thursday with a early morning mandatory meeting and let the staff and faculty know about the suicide.  It was a teary event.  This kid was not the typical type of kid that would commit suicide.  He was going to be receiving his Eagle this coming Sunday.  My son Jordan who was in his class at school did not know his last name but never dreamed it was the kid Terek Gagon in his class.  He did not feel he was depressed.  He said he had friends in the class and would talk to people all the time.  The entire day was dreary and students were crying and hugging each other everywhere.  It really was sad.  Our poor principal has really had a tough year this year with suicides attempts and a issue about a dress that was not appropriate for a school dance and went national.   I really felt for Ronda Bromley.  She is such a great principal and I hate that our school is getting a bad rap.  It really bothered me that students are getting to the point in their lives that they would take their own lives.  What is going on?  Too much focus on themselves and they are not able to see past today.  This particular suicide had me really bothered and wondering what we need to do to get kids to quit their stinkin thinkin... There is so much to live for.  In our country we are so blessed.  We have food on our tables, houses to live in, great people that surround us.  What would cause a boy to get to the point that he would be willing to kill himself.  My heart is crying out to his family, friends and for the youth.  After school both Jordan and I were depressed and feeling down.  Gary was not going to be home until late so I grabbed Jordan and we went shopping at Walmart just to get out of the house.  We also decided to go out to eat at Panda Express.  We just needed to get out of our sad funk.  I really hope we can avoid any future suicides at Lone Peak this year.  My heart just can't take anymore.  This is a community problem not a Lone Peak problem. 

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