Monday, February 17, 2014

Wonderful Valentine Weekend!

My Valentines started out this morning with these beautiful flowers from my sweetheart Gary.

        I went to work in the morning for a couple of hours and then Gary and I left to St. George for the weekend with my parents to go and spend the week with Brandon's family.  I was so excited to see my grandbabies!  Both Kylie and Hayden had grown so much.  We had a couple gifts to give them for Becca's birthday and for my cute grandkids.  I gave Kylie and Hayden a monkey and Kylie decided that she loved them both.  She loved taking them with her everywhere she went.  She was so adorable and cute.  Here are some of our pictures of Kylie and Hayden from Friday.  We all went to the Parade of homes for a couple of homes and then we went back to Brandon's house and Gary and I babysat for Brandon and Becca.

Hayden recently found his tongue.

Gary and I enjoyed tending our grandkids Friday evening and giving Brandon and Becca a date night.  It was so fun playing with them.  I gave them their baths that night and Hayden just smiled and kicked in the water.  Kylie got silly and started throwing and giggling and throwing her toys out of the tub.  She was so happy it was hard to get mad.  She ended up having a very short bath.  That evening we got to read stories and watched Despicable me with Kylie. 

The next day on Saturday we started the day out early and went to more of the Parade of Homes.  We got to see a lot of homes in the morning.  Kylie and Hayden finally had enough so we went to a park to let them play.  Here are the darling pictures from the park: 

Later Becca's parents came and Pete took a few cute pictures of the kids.  My parents and Gary and I went to see some more of the Parade of Homes while Brandon and Becca spent time with her parents.  That evening we all went together to dinner at Cracker Barrel. 

The best day was Sunday.  We went to Brandon and Becca's ward and they called Brandon to stand and they presented his name to be an Elder.  After Sacrament we all went into a room to get him ordained.  Gary gave him a wonderful ordinations and blessing.  It was very tender and Brandon was very touched and teary.  It was a very spiritual event.  The bishop then had Brandon bear his testimony.  That was also very touching and sweet.  Then Brandon was able to bless his own baby Hayden.  It was done in a small room instead of the chapel and I think it made it very personal and tender.  Brandon blessed Hayden with many good things and it was sweet.  During the blessing Hayden just looked up at Brandon and smiled the entire blessing.  It was a wonderful event and there were a lot of wet eyes.  One of those priceless moments in life.  After the blessing Pete Hansen went with us to a park and we took the following pictures:

What a marvelous week it has been as you can see.  One of those great moments!   Brandon and Becca are now taking temple classes so they can get Kylie and Hayden sealed to them. I am so happy that Brandon and Becca are doing so well.  We sure love them and their efforts in being active in the church, being parents to Kylie and Hayden and being a great family.  I am so proud of Brandon and the hard work he is doing to provide for his family and to work hard trying to be an awesome father and husband.  Great Week!